Saturday, July 27, 2013

kepi oli

आदर्णीय सम्पूर्ण फेसबुक मित्रहरु सेवारो,सेमुन्ना,जोजोलाप्पा,फ्याफुल्ला,छेझोलो,झोर्ले,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
आज क्याम्बोडियको राष्ट्रिय चुनाबको दिन यतिखेर क्याम्बोडियाको सबै क्षेत्रमा मतदान भइरहेको अवस्था छ,अति नै सानदार र शान्तिपूर्ण मतदान भैरहेको छ,म क्याम्बोडियाको काम्पोङ्गछ्नाङ्ग प्रोभिन्सको रोलिपिया डिस्ट्रिकको  मतदान केन्द्रको प्रांगणमा  यतिखेर,अचम्मको कुरा यहाँ न त पोलिस आर्मी नै गाड बसेका छन् न त  सुरक्षा गाड,छन् त प्रोभिन्सको चिफ,डिस्ट्रिक चिफ,गाउँ प्रमुख र चुनाब आयोगका टोलीहरु छन, कसैले कसैलाई लिड गरिरहेको पनि देखिन्न,भोटर्सहरु सरासरी आउने लाइनमा बस्ने र आफ्नो मत दिने क्रम भैरहेको छ न त भिड-भाड न त तछाड-मछाड न त कुनै हल्ला-खल्ला,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
क्याम्बोडियामा जम्मा ८ वोटा पार्टीहरुको प्रतिस्पर्धा भैरहेको छ,खुलेर कसैले कसैको बिरोध नगर्ने चलनले  अति नै राम्रो बाताबरण सिर्जना गरेको छ भने जनता एकापसमा को कुन पार्टीलाई सपोर्ट गर्ने हो भनेर सोध खोज पनि नगर्ने रहेछन आफु-आफै सजग रहेछन!
यहि क्रममा एउटा भन्नै पर्ने कुरा क्याम्बोडियाको यो चुनाबी माहौलको अबस्थालाई हेर्न नेपाल बाट [खड्ग बहादुर ओली]{के.पि ओली}यहाँ आउनु भएको छ,अहिले वहाँ फ्नोम पेन्ह सिटीमा कहीं चुनाबी माहौल हेरी रहनु भएको होला र वहाँले जनताको निस्पक्ष अधिकारको बारेमा थुप्रै कुरा सिक्ने अवसर हो यो तर वहाँले सिकेर नेपालमा कस्तो संदेश लिएर जाने हो र नेपाल पुगेसी कस्तो अभिव्यक्ति दिने हुन्?यो समयले बताउला ध्यान दिउँ है मित्रहरु कस्तो अभिव्यक्ति दिँदो रछ?या त शिक्षा न दिक्षा संदेश न बन्देश  यहाँको नाइट क्लब र बारको ह्विश्कीको चुस्की संगै तरुनीको चुस्ती मै सबै बिर्सेर जाने हुन्,,,,,,,, क्याम्बोडिया भ्रमण आज भन्दा २ बर्ष अगाडी पनि भएको हो र त्यति खेर हामीले लन्चको कार्यक्रम राखी भेटघाट कार्यक्रम गरेकाक थियौं र यहाँ ३ बर्ष देखि जेलमा सजाय काटी रहेका नेपालका निर्दोष धनपति पौडेल लाइ डेप्लोमेटिक सहयोगको अनुनय गरेका थियौं तर हाम्रो लन्च र भेट घाट त्यसै खेर गएको थियो,३ बर्ष सम्ममा पनि ति निर्दोष यहाँ जेइल सजाय काटी रहने धनपति पौडेलको सहयोगको निम्ति कुनै माखो नमारी के.पि ओली फेरी यहीं आउनु भएको छ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,धन्य्बद………।मित्रहरु केपी ओली को यहाँको भ्रमण र एक्टिभिटिज वहाँ नेपाल पुगेर अभिव्यक्ति दिइसके पछि अबस्य शेयर गर्ने छु)

Sunday, June 23, 2013

प्रचण्डले आफ्नो जातिलाई लगाएको गुण,,,,,

Created on Saturday, 22 June 2013 04:38
मुक्तिका नाममा माओवादीमा हतियार बोकेर लागेका जनजातिहरुको बलमा पुष्पकमल दाहाल प्रचण्ड अहिले सत्ताको केन्द्रमा छन् । शुरुमा रोल्पा,रुकुमका मगर युवाहरुको बलमा माओवादीले उचाई पक्रेको थियो । माओवादी हिंसामा करिब आधा मरेकाहरु मगर जातिका थिए । तर सत्तामा भागबन्डा गर्ने बेला मगर र जनजातिहरुको अहिले बिचल्ली छ । हिंजोका प्रतिगामी भनिएका टाठाबाठा जातिहरुले अहिले माओवादीमा प्रभुत्व जमाएकाछन् । जनजातिहरु पोखरेल बाजेको पछि लागेर बिद्रोहको ध्वासं दिइरहेकाछन् ।राजनीतिक चेतना अत्यन्त कम देशको सबैभन्दा  ठुलो शक्ति मगर र समग्र जनजातिले यस्तो तथ्य नबुझ्दासम्म तिनको केहि हुनेवाला छैन । यो आलेख त्यसैमा केन्द्रित छ । - - सम्पादक

पुष्पकमल दाहालको नेतृत्वमा बाहुनबादी राज्यसत्ता बिरुद्ध लडिएको भनिएको जनयुद्धमा बाहुन यूवाहरुकै संलग्नता सबैभन्दा बढी देखिनुको भित्री रहस्य अर्के छ । 
-जेबी पुन मगर
नेकपा माओवादीले युद्धकालमा आफ्ना लडाका ५० हजार र मिलिसिया एक लाख रहेको बताउदै आएकोथियो । हतियार पनि त्यहि अनुपातमा रहेको बताउथ्यो । उसले सात डिभिजनसम्म बनाएको प्रचारबाजी गर्दे आएकोथियो । तर उसको यो ठूलो प्रोपोगाण्डा थियो । सरकार र मिडियालाई भ्रममा राखेर मनोबैज्ञानिक रुपले कमजोर बनाउन उसले यस्तो प्रचारवाजी गथ्र्यो । यस्तो प्रोपोगाण्डामा प्रायशः सबै फस्ने गरेकाथिए ।
शान्तिप्रक्रियामा आएपछि छामापारलाई शिविरमा राख्ने भएपछि उसको यस्तो झुठ खुल्न सक्थ्यो । त्यसैले उसले रातारात गाँउघरका ठिटाहरुलाई सेनामा नोकरी पाइने प्रलोभन दिएर शिविरभित्र छिरायो । लडाकाको रुपमा परिचय दियो । अनमिनले प्रमाणित गरेपछि ति वास्तविक लडाकाको रुपमा दरिए ।

माओवादीले त्यतिबेला अर्को चलाखी के गरयो भने हिजो युद्धमा लडेका राम्रा जतिलाई वाइसीएल बनाएर शिविर बाहिर राख्यो र नकली छापामार बनाएर अरुलाई शिविरमा हुल्यो । यसले वास्तविक लडाका को हो भन्ने परिचय नै लुकाउने काम गर्यो । प्रचण्डले शक्तिखोरमा आफ्ना कमाण्डरहरुलाई दिएको गोप्य प्रशिक्षणमा उलने यो कुरा स्विकारेकाछन् । वास्तविक छापामार ६ सात हजार भन्दा बढी नभएपनि आफुहरुले ३० हजार देखाएर आँखा छलेको उनले त्यहाँ बताएकाछन् । करिब ६ हजार छापामार भनिएकाहरु नाबालकको रुपमा शिविरबाट निकालिएको यथार्थले पनि माओवादी नेतृवत्ले हतार हतार मान्छे हुलेको प्रस्ट देखाउछ ।
रातारात ३० हजार मान्छे जम्मा गर्नु सानो कुरा होइन । त्यसो गर्दा को कस्ता परे हेक्का रहेन । परिणाम उनीहरु पछि अक्षम छापामारको रुपमा निकालिए । यस्तो ढाँट राजनीतिले माओवादीले छापामार संख्या त बढी जुटायो तर वास्तविक लडाकाहरुको संख्या नै बिलुप्त भयो । जालझेलको  इतिहास लेखिदै आइएकोमा नेपालमा अर्को षड्यन्त्रमूलक इतिहास रच्ने काम गरियो । यहि षड्यन्त्रकै कारण छापामारहरुको जातीय तथ्याँक पनि यताउता भएको छ । अन्यथा प्रचण्डले भनेकै जस्तो मगर छापामारकै शिर्षस्थ रोल थियो माओवादी युद्धमा । र तिनकै संख्या बढी थियो । तर अति साम्प्रदययिक प्रचण्डले त्यस्तो साँचो इतिहास मेटाएर रचेको प्रपन्चले सत्यता नै लुकाउने काम भयो ।

यसले उनको समूदायलाई ठूलो फाइदा पुगेकोछ । एक हामी पनि लडाका जाति हौं भन्ने स्थापित गर्ने काम गरेकोछ । जनजातिलाई लडाका जाति भनिदै आएकोमा यो प्रचण्डले आफ्नो जातिमाथि लगाएको महान गुण हो । अर्को माओवादी युद्धमा जनजाति मात्र लडेनन् पीडक भनिने जातिहरु समेत लडे । त्यसैले बाहुन हुदैमा गलत हुदैनन् भन्ने मानक बनाउने काम भएकोछ । प्रचण्डले समूदायलाई सुरक्षा दिने यो भन्दा अर्का रक्षाकवच हुनै सक्थेन । हिजो लडेका बर्षमान पुन गणेशमान पुन  नन्दकिशोर पुनहरु आफुहरु वाइसीएल र बाहिर बस्न  पाएकोमा मख्ख छन् । तर उनीहरुले के के गुमाएकाछन् भन्ने कुरा भोलि इतिहास लेख्दा मात्र पत्तो पाउनेछन् । त्यतिबेलरा उनीहरुलाइ यथार्थ त थाहा हुन्छ तर केहि गर्न सक्नेछैनन् । इतिहास नै अर्के हुनेछ अर्थात झुठो इतिहास स्थापित हुनेछ ।

जुन जाति सजग र सचेत हुन्छ उसले आफ्नो समूदायको हक हित नभनिकन चुपचाप नै स्थापित गराउछ । प्रचण्डले यस प्रकरणमा त्यहि गरेकाहुन् । हरेक ठाँउमा प्रमुख स्थानमा रहेको उनको समूदाय जुन ठाँउमा कमजोर थियो त्यसमा उनले स्थापित गराइदिएकाछन् । जनजाति नेताहरु बाहिर चिच्याउने मात्र हुन्  सजग र सचेत नभएकोले उनीहरु यो स्तरसम्मको राजनीति गर्ने सक्दैनन् । त्यसैले अझै दशकौ सम्म प्रचण्ड जस्ताहरुको खुराफातसंग लड्न सक्ने क्षमता अन्य समूदाको छैन भन्ने यो पछिल्लो उदाहरण हो । तैपनी के पनि पक्का हो भने जनजाति मधेसी दलित नेतृत्वहरु चिच्याएर मात्र केहि हुदैन राजनीतिमा मगज खपाउनुपर्छ भन्ने यो पाठबाट केहि सिक्लान्  ।

यता र उता कसरी गरियो
घना मगर बस्ती रोल्पाको थवाड।बाट फैलिएको माओवादी लडाईमा हतियार बोक्ने ुलडाकु जातिु मगरकै बाहुल्य रहेको स्वंय पुष्पकमल दाहाल र माओवादी नेतृत्वले बताउदै आएकोथियो । तर क्यान्टोन्मेन्टमा राखिएका १९६०८ लडाकाको जातीय तथ्याँकले डरछेरुवा र राजनीति गरि जिविका चलाउने भनि आरोप खेप्नु परेका   बाहुन जातिको सबैभन्दा बढी सहभागिता देखिन्छ । अंकलाई आधार मान्ने हो भने गुरिल्ला युद्धमा बाहुन यूवाले सबैभन्दा बढी योगदान दिएको मान्नुपर्ने हुन्छ ।
अनमिनले राखेको तथ्याँकले कुल लडाका मध्ये ३१५८ जना अर्थात १६.११ प्रतिशत बाहुन यूवाहरुले हतियार बोकेको देखाउँछ । ३०९४, १५.७८ प्रतिशत  जनसंख्या ओगट्ने क्षेत्री लडाका दोश्रो नंबरमा पर्छन् भने २४५१, १२.५० प्रतिशत मगर लडाकाको संख्या तेश्रो नंबरमा आँउछ । त्यसपछि क्रमशः पहाडे दलित १९६४,  १०.०२ प्रतिशत  तामाड। १३५३, ६.९० प्रतिशत  मधेसी १३००, ६.६३ प्रतिशत थारु १०९६, ५.५९ प्रतिशत  देखिन्छ । तर नेपालको जनसाँख्यिक आधारबाट हेर्ने हो भने मगर लडाकाको सहभागिता सबैभन्दा बढी हुन आँउछ । जनगणना २००१ अनुसार कुल जनसंख्याको ७.१४ प्रतिशत जनसंख्या ओगट्ने मगरको करिब ६ प्रतिशतले बढी सहभागिता हुन्छ भने १२.७४ प्रतिशत जनसंख्या रहेको बाहुनको ३ प्रतिशतले बढी सहभागिता छ । १५.८० प्रतिशत जनसंख्या ओगट्ने क्षेत्रीको भने जनसंख्याको समानुपातिक प्रतिनिधित्व देखिन्छ ।
सहभागिताको हिसाबले माओवादी लडाई क्षेत्रीय रुपमा पश्चिम पहाड तराई र जातजातिका आधारमा पहाडे बाहुन क्षेत्री मगर  दलित र तराइको थारुको संघर्ष जस्तो देखिन्छ । मध्य तराईका मुस्लिमहरुको सघन उपस्थिति र पूर्वी मधेसको कम सहभागिताले माओवादी संघर्ष नवलपरासी भन्दा पूर्वको समथल भूभागमा जम्न नसकेको देखाँउछ । लडाका मध्ये मगरमा बुढा, पुन, रोका, घर्ती जस्ता पश्चिमा थरको सहभागिता बढी छ । बाहुन लडाकाका १७२ वटा थरमध्ये भण्डारी १९३ जना  अधिकारी १६९ ओली १६३ र न्यौपाने १०८ थरको बढी उपस्थिति छ । क्षेत्रीमा बोहरा ३६१ बिष्ट २०० धामी २५० कार्की २३९ रोकाया २०० बढी छन् ।  ठकुरीमा शाही ३४४ र मल्ल १५८ थरको उल्लेख्य सहभागिता देखिन्छ ।

दलितमा बिश्वकर्मा लेखाउनेको संख्यामात्र ७८० छ भने परियार ४०४  र नेपाली  लेखाउने ३०७ जना छन् । माओवादी संघर्षमा संलग्न लडाकाहरु कमबेसी सबै जातबाट आएकाछन् । कुनै कुनै जातजातीको संख्या समानुपातिक रुपमा ठ्याक्क मिलाएर राखिएको जस्तो देखिन्छ ।   यो तथ्याँकको सतही बिश्लेषणले  भिन्न वर्गीय क्षेत्रीय लैगिक जातीय धार्मिक भाषिक पृष्ठभूमीबाट आएका लडाकाहरु काँधमाकाँध मिलाएर लडेका देखिछन् । यसले विविधतापूर्ण सामाजिक जटिलताका बावजुद समन्वय, सहिष्णुता र सहकारितालाइ  आत्मसात गरेको देखाँउछ । तर मूल प्रश्न देखिएको यो तथ्याँक कति सहि हो भन्ने हो माथि चर्चा गरिसकिएकोछ  ।

कतै दाल गलेन
जुन जुन ठाँउमा पहिचानको राजनीति बलियो छ ती ठाँउमा माओवादी प्रभाव कम रहेको संविधानसभा निर्वाचनमा पनि प्रत्यक्ष देखिएकोथियो । लडाकाको हकमा पनि त्यहि देखिन्छ । गण्डकमा एमएस थापा मगर र गोरे बहादुर खपाङगीको नेतृत्वको राष्टिय जनमुक्ति पार्टी जस्ता जनजाति केन्द्रित दलको प्रभावको  कारण हुनसक्छ पश्चिमको तुलनामा ६० प्रतिशत भन्दा बढी बसोबास गर्ने गण्डकका मगरको अत्यन्त कम सहभागिता देखिन्छ । गाँउगाँउमा सडक पुगेको यस क्षेत्रका अन्य जातजातिहरुको सहभागिता पनि पश्चिमको तुलनामा धेरै कम मान्नुपर्छ । सबैभन्दा बढी चर्को पहिचानको राजनीति चलेको लिम्बुवान र मधेसी समूदायबाट प्रचार गरिए अनुरुपको सहभागिता छैन ।
लिम्बु ३६९, १.८८ प्रतिशत र मधेसी १३००, ६.६३ प्रतिशत लडाका संख्याले त्यस्तै देखाँउछ । पहिचानको राजनीति कम भएको पश्चिमा थारु लडाकाको भने राम्रो सहभागिता छ । लडाकामा मधेसका २५२ वटा थरको संलग्न देखिएतापनि सबैभन्दा बढी मुस्लिम ६७७ जना लडाका छन् । जबकी माओवादीले सबैभन्दा बढी केन्द्रिय नेता जन्माएको र मधेसको ठूलो जनसंख्या ओगट्ने यादव लडाकाको संख्या १३० जना मात्र छ । उच्च जातको तुलनामा मधेसका दलितहरुको  सहभागिता बढी छ ।
झाँ समूदायबाट जम्मा १५ लडाका देखिन्छन् । शुरुमा जनमुक्ति पार्टीबाट जातीय राजनीति गरेका गोपाल किरातीको माओवादी प्रवेशपछि कमजोर भएको खम्बुवान राजनीतिको कारण हुनसक्छ पूर्वमा लिम्बुको तुलनामा राई लडाका ९३४, ४.७६ प्रतिशत को संख्या बढी छ । कुल जनसंख्यामा २.७९ स्थान ओगट्ने राईको यो उपस्थितिलाई राम्रो मान्नुपर्छ ।

महिला लडाका : क्रान्तिकारि प्रोपोगाण्डा
हिन्दुधर्मले श्रृजना गरेको बाहुनबादी पुरुषसत्ताले महिलालाई धार्मिक जातीय बर्गीय  क्षेत्रीय र लैंगिक उत्पिडनमा पारेकोले सबैभन्दा  पीडित ति महिलाले मुक्तिका निम्ति हतियार उठाएको बताउदै आइएकोछ । त्यसैले जनयुद्धमा पचास प्रतिशत महिलाको सहभागिता रहेको प्रचण्ड लगायत महिला नेतृत्वले बक्तब्यबाजी गर्दे आइरहेकाछन् ।  तर तथ्यांक त्यस्तो छैन । कुल लडाकामध्ये महिलाको संख्या जम्मा ३८४३, १९.६० प्रतिशत मात्र देखिन्छ । यो हिसाबले पुरुष लडाकाको संख्या १५७५८, ८०.४०प्रतिशत  हुन आँउछ ।
 दावी गरिएभन्दा ठिक उल्टो एमाओवादीको नेतृत्वमा अत्यन्त असमान रहेको महिला उपस्थितिको दुरावस्था क्यान्टोन्मेन्टभित्र पनि  देखिन्छ । असमानताको खाडल कति ठूलो छ भन्ने कुरा कमाण्डर लडाकाहरुको तथ्याँकले नै स्पष्ट पार्छ । जनमुक्ति सेनाको लागि बनाइएको रोलक्रमको सबैभन्दा उच्चतह डिभिजन र बिग्रेड कमाण्डरमा एउटा महिला पुगेका छैनन् । ३६ जना ब्रिगेड भाइस कमाण्डरहरुमा जम्मा तीन जना महिला देखिन्छन् ।
१५७ जना बटालियन कमाण्डरहरुमा ११ जना र १७२ जना बटालियन भाइस कमाण्डरमा ९ जना मात्र महिला छन् । ५४३ जना कंपनी कमाण्डरहरुमा ५३ जना र  ६१२ जना कंपनी भाइस कमाण्डरमा ८९ जना छन् । १५१२ जना प्लाटुन कमाण्डरहरुमा ३२६ र ३०१० जनाको सेक्सन कमाण्डरहरुमा ९२३ जना महिला छन् । १५६६ जना प्लाटुन भाइस कमाण्डरको समूहमा ४८५ र २३३० सेक्सन भाइस कमाण्डरमा ४७६ जना महिला छन् । त्यसैगरि  २०१४ गार्डफ्रन्ट लडाकुमा ३८० र ७५८२ सोल्जर मध्ये १०८४ जना महिला लडाका सूचिकृत छन् । महिला लडाकामा पनि बाहुनकै बर्चश्व देखिन्छ ।
महिला पुगेको सबैभन्दा उपल्लो पद ब्रिगेड भाइस कमाण्डरमा बाहुन , दलित र क्षेत्रीबाट एक एक जनाको उपस्थिति देखिन्छ । त्यसपछिको ठूलो पद बटालियन  कमाण्डरमा बाहुन पाँच र मगर र थापा दुई दुई जना छन् ।  हेर्नोस तालिका  कुल लडाकामध्ये महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा ओगट्ने दलित  मधेसी र मुसलमान महिलाहरुको उपस्थिति राम्रो छैन । यसले ती समूदायमा पुरुषको एकछत्र बर्चश्व देखाउछ । यस्तो तथ्याँकलाई लैंगिक चश्माले बिश्लेषण गर्नेहरुले माओवादी बिद्रोह पुरुषसत्ताको बिरुद्ध पुरुषहरुकै नेतृत्वमा लडिएको लडाई हो भन्न सक्छन्  ।
(२०१०- ९- ३० मा राज्यसत्ता डट कम र हिमाल खबरत्रिकामा छापिएको लेखलाई सामयिक ठानिएकोले पुन प्रकाशित गरिएकोछ )

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

A for Apple Nursery rhymes 2 - 3D Animation Alphabet ABC Songs for child... SONG

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Full Version - cute animationरेम्स wramsTwinkle Twinkle Little Star. Enjoy!

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky!
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!
When the blazing sun is gone,
When he nothing shines upon,
Then you show your little light,
Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!
Then the traveler in the dark,
Thanks you for your tiny spark,
He could not see which way to go,
If you did not twinkle so.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!
In the dark blue sky you keep,
And often through my curtains peep,
For you never shut your eye,
Till the sun is in the sky.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!
video/embed?video_id=10200407544845774" width="362" height="272" frameborder="0">

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Sandy soils of Cambodia

Seng, V.1, R.W. Bell2, P.F. White3, N. Schoknecht3, S. Hin1 and W. Vance2
Keywords: Cambodia, drought, erosion, farming systems, field crops, rainfed lowlands, rice, sandy soils, soil fertility, shallow groundwater, soil water
Siliceous sedimentary formations underlie much of Cambodia, consequently there is a propensity for sandy surface soils. Only the soils fringing the Tonle Sap lake, those of the alluvial plains along the major rivers (especially the Mekong), and soils developed on basalt deviate from the characteristic of sandy soils. Substantial areas of sandy, high permeability soils are used for lowland rainfed rice production. Due to their inherent high hydraulic conductivities, standing water in rice fields of the deep sandy soils drains rapidly after rainfall predisposing rice crops to drought and high rates of nutrient leaching. However, loss of soil water saturation may limit rice yield by inhibiting nutrient uptake more often than drought, per se. Prospects for growing field crops in sandy lowland soils are contingent on the amounts and reliability of early wet season rainfall or on amounts of stored water after harvesting rice. Apart from drought, waterlogging and inundation are significant water-related hazards that influence the growing of field crops in lowland soils. In addition, soil fertility constraints in the early wet season and dry season will likely differ from those encountered by rice due in part to the different soil water regime they encounter. In particular soil acidity, low nutrient status, hardsetting and shallow rooting depth have been identified as significant constraints for field crops. Vast areas of sandy upland soils occur in Cambodia but are only poorly described. Low soil fertility is likely to limit upland farming systems on the sandy uplands and erosion is a concern for their sustainable use. There is a need to hasten the pace of research and resource assessment of these uplands so that land suitability assessment and sustainable farming systems are available to guide the expansion of agriculture in these areas.
Sandy materials cover a large proportion of the landscape of Cambodia, on account of the siliceous sedimentary formations that underlie much of the Kingdom (Workman 1972). Due to their prevalence in the lowlands of Cambodia, sandy, high permeability soils are commonly used for rainfed rice production (White et al. 1997). Increasingly in Cambodia, attention is being turned to the potential for crop diversification and the prospects for other land uses in sandy lowland soils (Bell et al. 2005). A key constraint for the use of sandy soils in Cambodia is the amount and reliability of rainfall during the early wet season (April to July) and main wet season (July to October) or the amounts of stored water after harvesting rice. Apart from drought, waterlogging and inundation are significant water-related hazards that influence the growing of field crops in lowland sandy soils (White et al. 1997; Bell and Seng 2004; Bell et al. 2005). In addition, soil acidity and low nutrient status have been identified as significant constraints for crops on sandy soils in Cambodia.
Vast areas of sandy upland soils occur in Cambodia but are only poorly described, and at present not extensively used for agriculture. Low soil water storage, and low soil fertility, including soil acidity, are likely to limit upland farming systems on the sandy uplands and erosion is a concern for their sustainable use. There is likely to be pressure to develop agriculture on these sandy uplands over the next 20 years. There is a need to hasten the pace of research and resource assessment of these sandy uplands so that land suitability assessment and sustainable farming systems are available to guide the expansion of agriculture in these areas.
Mangement of Tropical Sandy Soil for Sustainable Agriculture
Figure 1. Generalised geology map of Cambodia. Source: Mekong River Commission
In this paper, we review the geological setting of Cambodia which helps to explain the prevalence and distribution of sandy soils. Since Cambodian agriculture is heavily dependent on lowland rainfed rice, we review the nature and properties of the sandy soils in the lowlands. Finally we review the limited knowledge-base of sandy soils in the upland areas that are likely to experience development pressure over the next two decades.
Surface geology and distribution of sandy soils
Mesozoic sandstone dominates most of the basement geology in Cambodia (Workman 1972: Figure 1) and hence will have a dominating influence on the properties of upland soils. Recent and Pleistocene alluvial/colluvial and lacustrine sediments that now form the parent material for most of the lowland agricultural soils of Cambodia are substantially derived from the weathering and erosional products of the Mesozoic sandstone (White et al. 1997). However, low hills from felsic igneous intrusions particularly in South and Southeast Cambodia have also supplied siliceous sediments for the recent and older alluvial/colluvial terraces. In the Northeast of Cambodia, basaltic lava flows from the Pleistocene covered significant areas of older alluvial terraces. The soils formed on weathered basalt and on the alluvial/colluvial sediments derived from basalt have very different properties to those of the siliceous parent materials that dominate most other soils (White et al. 1997). In the West of Cambodia, bordering Thailand substantial areas of siltstone limestone and marl occur (Figure 1), and this area is emerging as significant for upland crop production. Finally the sediments deposited by the Mekong River along its flood plain and in the basin of the Tonle Sap have resulted in a large part of Central Cambodia being dominated by recent alluvial/lacustrine sediments derived in part from the Mekong River basin and in part from the immediate basin of the Tonle Sap (Oberthur et al. 2000b).
No specific mapping of sandy soils has been undertaken in Cambodia. A soil map (1:250,000) of most of Cambodia was recently completed based on the FAO World Soils Map (1988) as part of a soil resources map for the lower Mekong Basin (MRC, 2002). Parts of Cambodia fall outside the lower Mekong Basin and hence were excluded from mapping, including the eastern provinces of Prey Veng and Svay Rieng, and parts of the southern provinces of Kampot, Kampong Som, Koh Kong, and Pursat. The rice growing soils have been mapped (Oberthur et al. 2000b) based in part on an old small scale map (1:900,000) of soils of the whole country. However, soil mapping coverage of the upland regions where soils are predominantly developed on sandstones and related siliceous formations are poorly described (Seng and White 2005).
In Cambodia, the Arenosols (sandy soils featuring very weak or no soil development) are mapped on only 1.6% of the land area (Table 1). Sandy surface textures are more prevalent than the deep sandy soils that fit the definition for Arenosols. Sandy textured profiles are common amongst the most prevalent Soil Groups including Acrisols and Leptosols (MRC, 2002). The Acrisols are the most prevalent Soil Group occupying nearly half of the land area of Cambodia. The main subgroups are: Gleyic Acrisols (20.5%, Haplic Acrisols (13.3%), Plinthic Acrisol (8.7%) and Ferric Acrisol (6.3%).
Table 1. Chemical properties of surface layers of Prey Khmer (White et al. (1997) sandy rice soils in Cambodia and the percentage of the rice area they occupy (Data source: Oberthur et al. 2000a; White et al. 2000 and Seng et al. 2001b)
Property Typical surface soil values
Sand 730 g kg-1
Silt 220 g kg-1
Clay 50 g kg-1
pH (1:1 H2O) 5.6
Organic C 4.7 g kg-1
Total N 0.5 g kg-1
Exch K 0.04 cmol kg-1
Exch Na 0.05 cmol kg-1
Exch Ca 0.61 cmol kg-1
CEC 1.45 cmol kg-1
Olsen P 1.3 mg kg-1
Percentage of rice area 10-12%
Of the mapped rice soils (Oberthur et al. 2000b), Prey Khmer and Prateah Lang Soil Groups which comprise 39% of the rice-growing soils have very sandy surface horizons. Prey Khmer is sandy in both the surface and subsoil and will be the focus of the present paper (Table 2). However, the Prey Khmer soils even though having <18% clay and >65% sand in surface layers (Table 2) would not necessarily classify as Arenosols because the rice soil classification in Cambodia only considers properties to 50 cm, whereas Arenosols need to be sandy to 100 cm or more (Table 2).
Mangement of Tropical Sandy Soil for Sustainable Agriculture
Figure 2. Average monthly rainfall for Takeo (40 years)
Rainfall and cropping systems
In Cambodia, mean annual rainfall mostly falls in the range from 1,250-1,750 mm (e.g. see Figure 2) with increases up to 2,500 mm in the south, and east of the country (Nesbitt, 1997). The variations in average annual rainfall produce changes in cropping patterns, and options for pre-rice and post-rice cropping with field crops. The East and South of Cambodia has higher early wet season rainfall and may therefore be a more prospective area for expanding field crops on sandy soils (Figure 2).
Cropping in Cambodia revolves around three season: the early wet season (EWS) from April to July; main wet season from July to October; and dry season from November to March (Nesbitt, 1997). Rice is the dominant crop on lowlands in the main wet season with transplanting occurring as soon as sufficient rainfalls to allow cultivation of soils and the accumulation of standing water in the fields. This may vary from June to later August depending on the season and landscape position of the field. Harvesting coincide with the early part of the dry season. Dry season crops can only be planted where there is sufficient stored soil water, as in some lowland rice fields, or where irrigation water is available. Throughout Cambodia substantial year-to-year variation in total rainfall is experienced as well as rainfall distribution pattern (Figure 3).
Table 2. Soil profile description for a deep sandy soil from Tramkak District, Takeo Province, Cambodia. Classified as similar to Prey Khmer according to White et al. (1997) and Plinthic Alisol (World Reference Base 1998). Described by: N. Schoknecht, 6/6/03 Location: Datum: IND60 Zone: 48 448326 mE 1220774 mN
Horizon Depth (cm) Description
A 0-6 strong brown (7.5YR 5/6 moist), medium sand; very friable moist consistence; single grain structure; very fine, medium porosity, clear, smooth boundary.
A 6-20 brown (7.5YR 5/4 moist) medium sand; very friable moist consistence; single grain structure; very fine, medium porosity, gradual, wavy boundary.
A 20-60 light brown (7.5YR 6/4 moist) medium sand; medium faint reddish yellow (7.5YR 6/8 moist) mottles; very friable moist consistence; single grain structure; very fine, medium porosity, sharp, tongued boundary.
Ctv 60-85 grey (10YR 6/1 moist) sandy clay; medium prominent reddish yellow (5YR 6/6 moist) mottles; hard dry consistence; weak, medium, angular blocky structure; fine, low porosity, gradual, wavy boundary.
Ct 85-100+ yellowish brown (10YR 5/4 moist) clay; fine prominent reddish brown (2.5YR 4/4 moist) mottles and fine distinct grey (10YR 6/1 moist) mottles; firm moist consistence; few segregations, fine elongated black soft; fine, channels void.
Mangement of Tropical Sandy Soil for Sustainable Agriculture
Figure 3. Rainfall (mm) in April at Battambang, Kampong Cham, and Takeo over the period 1980-2002. Source: Department of Meteorology, Cambodia. Note: rainfall records are incomplete for many stations in Cambodia over the last 35 years and this accounts for missing entries
Rice Soils
Rice is the dominant crop in Cambodia, with a production area equivalent to 90% of the agricultural land in Cambodia (Nesbitt 1997). The sandy Prey Khmer Soil Group comprises 11% of the rice-growing soils (White et al., 1997). The soil groups have been defined using the Cambodian Agronomic Soil Classification (CASC) which groups soils according to their effects on lowland rice production (White et al. 1997). It is adapted from the Fertility Capability Classification (Buol et al. 1973) rather than a soil classification based on concepts of soil genesis that emphasizes subsoil properties. The Cambodian Agronomic Soil Classification emphasizes surface soil properties since rice roots are relatively shallow. Even Prey Khmer Soil Group when used for lowland rice would generally not fall into Arenosols since only the 0-50 cm layers are considered in CASC (White et al. 1997).
The Prey Khmer soil has very low CEC, organic C, total N, exchangeable K and Olsen P (Table 1). In field trials in Cambodia, strong responses to N are generally reported in sandy rice soils (Seng et al. 2001b). However none of these soils respond to N alone. On the sandy Prey Khmer soils, N alone either has no effect on yield or decreases it (White et al. 1997, Seng et al. 2001b). On sandy soils, responses to P alone may be obtained although strongest responses generally require N and P, and on the lower fertility soils K and S fertilizers are also required for rice. Low levels of Mg and B have also been identified as potential production constraints for crops on the Prey Khmer soils, but have not been verified in rice in the field (Lor et al. 1996). Leaching of N and other nutrients may also limit productivity of these soils even when water is not limiting. The Prey Khmer soil in Cambodia has low potential productivity even with fertilizer application (White et al. 1997).
The dominant rice ecosystem in Cambodia is rainfed lowlands (Wade et al. 1999). The shallow, drought- and submergence-prone sub-ecosystem, is most widespread of the rice sub-ecosystems in Cambodia, in part due to the erratic rainfall, topography and the prevalence of sandy textures in the root zone of the rice crop. While the sub-ecosystem concept is useful in regional classifications of rice growing areas, in practice local surface hydrology can vary to such an extent as to overrides the influence of rainfall. Within a single farm or among adjacent fields, the upper terraces which are commonly sandy may be classified into the drought-prone sub-ecosystem and the lower terraces may belong to the submergence-prone or drought- and submergence-prone sub-ecosystem. Fields in the high or upper terraces of the lowlands lose large amounts of water, particularly after heavy rainfall, through surface runoff and subsurface lateral water movement, while those in the lower terraces may intercept the flows from the upper paddies (Fukai et al. 2000). Location of on-farm drains, road embankments and drains under roads can markedly affect where the runoff is directed. Water balance models are particularly useful for identifying key aspects of the surface hydrology experienced by rainfed rice. Fukai et al. (1995) have developed a water balance model for sandy soils in N.E. Thailand and this model may be useful for the sandy soils of Cambodia. Maintaining water in the root zone for rice is hindered on sandy soils by high percolation rates that are a common problem in the sandy lowland rice soils of Cambodia (White et al. 1997).
In the rainfed lowlands, significant periods of loss of soil-water saturation occur intermittently throughout the growing season (e.g. Seng et al. 1996; Fukai et al. 2000). Based on rainfall, its distribution and variability, it could be assumed that drought was the main soil water-related constraint for rice in the region. However, the more common effect of low soil water may be to limit nutrient availability and uptake rather than to cause drought per se. The implications of the temporary periods of loss of soil-water saturation for nutrient availability are not fully understood (Fukai et al. 1999), although variations in soil water saturation interact with nutrient availability (Bell et al. 2001). Fluctuating soil water regimes will have major effects on the forms and availability of N (Seng 2000), P (Seng et al. 1999) and on Fe and Al toxicities (Seng et al. 2004b).
Options for minimizing the impact of periods of loss of soil-water saturation are either to use cultivars that are efficient in P uptake and use, and presumably would be best able to cope with a temporary decline in P availability (Fukai et al. 1999); or to treat soil with straw (Seng et al. 1999). Straw keeps the redox potential lower during the period of soil-water saturation loss, thus decreasing the extent of Fe2+ oxidation and minimizing losses in P availability due to reaction with Fe oxides. Other forms of organic matter added to the soil at planting, including cow manure, or residues from pre-rice pulse crops or green manures like sesbania, can all help minimize losses of P during periods of soil-water saturation loss.
Iron toxicity has been reported for Prey Khmer soils in Cambodia. However, the impact on yield has not been quantified. Neither is there direct evidence of the consequences of intermittent loss of soil water saturation on the incidence and severity of Fe toxicity.
Application of clay to sandy soils has been suggested as a semi-permanent treatment to enhance water and nutrient retention (Noble et al. 2004). Initial research on the sandy soils of N.E. Thailand suggests very strong responses in growth can be achieved by clay amelioration. The use of claying presumes a ready local supply of clay. N.E. Thailand has numerous deposits of high activity clay in lacustrine sediments (S. Ruaysoongnern, personal communication). The relevance of this technology for the Prey Khmer (Arenosols) of Cambodia, warrants further research.
Upland sandy soils
Important upland crops in Cambodia are maize, rubber, soybean, mung bean, cassava, sesame, peanut and sugarcane (Bell et al. 2005). There is very limited information on the sandy upland soils of Cambodia. Only generalized comments can be made at this stage, based largely on understandings developed for rice soils with similar properties and on recent studies carried out in the west of Takeo Province (Bell et al. 2005) where sandy soils are prevalent.
The Prey Khmer soil is defined for rice production as having a sandy layer <50 cm deep, because deeper sand is unsuitable for rice. However, similar soils to the Prey Khmer are encountered in Tramkak with deeper sandy layers up to 80 cm. These soils are suitable for non-rice field crops and so the deep phases have been distinguished from the Prey Khmer as defined by White et al. (1997). A typical soil profile is shown in Table 3. The surface soil properties are similar to those reported above (Table 1). That is, low levels of organic C, N, Olsen P, exchangeable K are commonly found in surface layers. In addition, KCl 40 extractable S levels, DTPA Cu, and Zn, and hot CaCl2 extractable B levels were low.
From preliminary analysis of a range of upland soils from Takeo, soil acidity appears to be a significant limiting factor for a range of field crops (Table 4). In Prey Khmer soils in uplands of western Takeo Province, Al saturation values of 50-80% were found in the subsoil (Table 4). Aluminum saturation >20% is commonly regarded as a potential Al toxicity in sensitive crops, whereas in very tolerant crops >80% Al saturation is required to impair crop growth (Dierolf et al. 2001). Seng et al. (2004a) showed strong responses by upland rice to lime application on the acid Prateah Lang soils (pH CaCl2 4; Al saturation 80%) when maintained in an aerated state whereas no response was found when these soils were flooded.
Table 3. Soil chemical properties of two profiles from the District of Tramkak, Takeo Province classified as sandy soils. Profiles were classified as Prey Khmer (White et al. 1997). Site 5 has no phase specified; site 52 has a coarse sandy phase specified
Site Depth
Total N
g kg-1
Olsen P
mg kg-1
KCl40 S
mg kg-1
mg kg-1
mg kg-1
mg kg-1
Hot CaCl2 B
mg kg-1
5 0-6 <0.2 16.0 <1 0.14 0.19 3.46
  6-20 <0.2 26.0 <1 0.14 0.16 3.31
  20-60 <0.2 3.0 2.5 0.11 0.15 1.47
  60-85 <0.2 2.0 <1 0.29 0.18 5.29
  85-100 <0.2 3.0 <1 0.36 0.14 5.36
52 0-45 0.2 2.0 1.1 0.12 0.16 25.08
  45-95 0.1 2.0 1 0.18 0.12 11.6
  95-120 0.01 1.0 1 0.16 0.04 3.53
Table 4. Soil pH and exchangeable Al in soils of Tramkak District, Takeo
Soil TypeDepth (cm)
CaCl 2
(cmol kg-1)
(cmol kg-1)
Al saturation
Prey Khmer (Site 5) 0-6  
Prey Khmer 0-12
fine sandy phase
Symptoms of Mn toxicity have also been observed on mung bean and peanut on acid Prey Khmer soils in Takeo Province. Hence even where Al toxicity is not a constraint, Mn toxicity may limit crop production on acid sandy soils.
Water supply is a key limiting factor for most areas of Cambodia because of the monsoonal rainfall pattern and the erratic rainfall distribution during the early wet (Figure 2) and main wet seasons. Most of the crops grown in the early and main wet season receive less than optimal rainfall in total (Bell et al. 2005). Hence the water storage capacity of the soil would have a large bearing on the regulation of water availability to crops especially on sandy soils. Deep sands are generally considered unsuitable or of low productivity for paddy rice because water is not retained in the shallow root zone of rice, and because a plough pan does not readily form to retain water (White et al. 1997). Deep sands (75-100 cm) will have a higher potential for production of deep rooted field crops than for rice. Subsoil Al may impede root growth and act as a limit on access to stored subsoil water (Table 4).
Discussion and further research needs
A major hindrance to the management of sandy soils in Cambodia is the dearth of knowledge about the distribution and properties of such soils in the uplands. There is a need for a land resource assessment of uplands of Cambodia. There will also need to be parallel development of sustainable farming systems for the sandy uplands.
The geographical proximity of Cambodia, Laos and Northeast Thailand, and the prevalence of rainfed lowland rice as the major crop in their agro-ecosystems suggest that the cross-flow of research information about sandy soils amongst these regions should be helpful. Coordination and collaboration amongst these countries could minimize duplication of research, and maximize synergies in their collective research. However, exchange needs to be based on a critical examination of the similarities and differences amongst them in agro-ecological classifications, in the prevalence of rainfed rice ecosystems, and in the soils used for rice and field crop production (Bell and Seng 2004).
ACIAR for support of some of the research reported in the present paper, and CARDI for the provision of facilities for the conduct of the research.
Bell, R.W. and Seng, V. 2004. Rainfed lowland rice-growing soils of Cambodia, Laos, and Northeast Thailand. In: Water in Agriculture. Eds V. Seng, E. Craswell, S Fukai and K Fischer. ACIAR Proceedings 116, pp. 161-173.
Bell, R.W., Ros, C., Seng, V. 2001. Improving the efficiency and sustainability of fertiliser use in drought- and submergence-prone rainfed lowlands in Southeast Asia. In: Fukai, S., and Basnayake, J. Eds., Increased Lowland Rice Production in the Mekong Region. Canberra, Australia, Australian Centre for Inter­national Agricultural Research, pp. 155-169.
Bell, R.W., Seng, V., Schoknecht, N., Vance, W. and Hin, S. 2005. Assessing land suitability for crop diversification in Cambodia. In: Proceedings of the Land Resource Assessment Forum, held at CARDI, Cambodia 23-26 September 2004.
Buol, S.W., Sanchez, P.A., Cate, Jr., P.A., Granger, M.A. 1973. Soil fertility capability classification. In: Soil management in tropical America. Eds E. Bornemiza and A. Alvarado. Raleigh (USA): North Carolina State University, 126-141.
Dierolf T., Fairhurst T., and Mutert E. 2001. Soil Fertility Kit. GTZ-GmbH, FAO, PT Jasa Katom, and PPI and PPIC. Oxford Graphic Printer.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) 1988 FAO-UNESCO Soil Map of the World. Revised legend. World Soil Resources report No. 60. FAO, Rome. 119 p.
Fukai, S., Basnayake, J., and Cooper, M. 2000. Modelling water availability, crop growth, and yield of rainfed lowland rice genotypes in Northeast Thailand. In: Tuong, T.P., Kam, S.P., Wade, L., Pandey, S., Bouman, B.A.M. and Hardy, B., eds., Characterising and Understanding Rainfed Environments. Los Baños, Philippines International Rice Research Institute,. 111-130.
Fukai, S., Inthapanya, P., Blamey, F.P.C. and Khunthasavon, S. 1999. Genotypic variation in rice grown in low fertility soils and drought-prone, rainfed lowland environments. Field Crops Research 64, 121-130.
Fukai, S., Rajatsasereekul, S., Boonjung, H. and Skulkhu, E. 1995. Simulation modelling to quantify the effect of drought for rainfed lowland rice in Northeast Thailand. In: Fragile Lives in Fragile Ecosystems, Proceedings of the International Rice Research Conference, 13-17 Feb. 1995. Los Baños, Philippines, International Rice Research Institute, 657-674.
Lor, B., White, P.F., and Phaloeun, C. 1996. Nutrient requirements for the growth of rice on Cambodian soils. In: Tasnee Attanandana, Irb Kheoruenmne, Pichit Pongsakul, and Taweesak Vearasilp, ed., 1996. Maximizing sustainable rice yields through improved soil and environmental management. Proceedings of an international symposium, Khon Kaen, 11-17 November 1996. Khon Kaen, Thailand, 45-56.
Mekong River Commission 2002. Land Resource Inventory for Agricultural Development (Basinwide) Project. Part III Soil Database Final Report June 2002. Mekong River Commission, Phnom Penh.
Nesbitt, H.J. 1997. Topography, climate, and rice production. In: Nesbitt, H.J., ed. Rice production in Cambodia. Manila (Philippines): International Rice Research Institute, 15-19.
Noble, A.D., Ruaysoongnern, S., Penning de Vries, F.W.T. and Webb, M. 2004. Enhancing the agronomic productivity of degraded soils in Northeast Thailand through clay-based interventions. In Proceeding of the International Conference on Research on Water in Agricultural Production in Asia for the 21st Century, CARDI, 25-28 November 2003. ACIAR Proceedings.
Oberthür, T., Dobermann, A., and White, P.F. 2000a. The rice soils of Cambodia. II. Statistical discrimination of soil properties by the Cambodian Agronomic Soil Classification system (CASC). Soil Use and Management, 16, 20-26.
Oberthür, T., Ros C. and White, P.F. 2000b. Soil map of the main rice growing area of Cambodia. Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Cambodia-IRRI-Australia Project.
Seng, V. 2000. Edaphic Factors Limiting Rice Responses to Applied Inorganic Fertilizers in Rainfed Lowland Soils in Southeast Cambodia. PhD dissertation. Perth, Western Australia, School of Environmental Science, Murdoch University.
Seng, V. and White, P.F. 2005. History of Land Resource Assessment in Cambodia – Lessons Learned. In: Proceedings of the Land Resource Assessment Forum, held at CARDI, Cambodia 23-26 September 2004.
Seng, V., Bell, R.W., and Willett, I.R. 2001a. Soil chemical properties and their response to flooding under laboratory conditions in two soils of Southeast Cambodia. Cambodian J Agriculture, 4, 1-11.
Seng, V., Bell. R.W. and Willett, I.R. 2004a. Effect of lime and flooding on phosphorus availability and rice growth on two acidic lowland soils. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis (submitted).
Seng, V., Bell. R.W. and Willett, I.R. 2004b. Amelioration of growth reduction of lowland rice caused by a temporary loss of soil water saturation. Plant and Soil 265, 1-16.
Seng, V. , Bell, R.W., Nesbitt, H.J., and Willett, I.R. 1996. Response of rainfed rice to inorganic and organic fertilizers in Southeast Cambodia. In: Tasnee Attanandana, Irb Kheoruenmne, Pichit Pongsakul, and Taweesak Vearasilp, ed., 1996. Maximizing sustainable rice yields through improved soil and environmental management. Proceedings of an international symposium, Khon Kaen, 11-17 November 1996. Khon Kaen, Thailand, 99-112.
Seng, V. , Bell, R.W., Willett, I.R. and Nesbitt, H.J. 1999. Phosphorus nutrition of rice in relation to flooding and temporary loss of saturation in two lowland soils in Southeast Cambodia. Plant and Soil, 207, 121-132.
Seng, V. , Ros, C., Bell, R.W., White, P.F., Hin, S., 2001b. Nutrient requirements for lowland rice in Cambodia. In: Fukai, S., and Basnayake, J. eds., Increased Lowland Rice Production in the Mekong Region. Canberra, Australia, Australia Centre for International Agricultural Research, 170-178.
Wade, L.J., Fukai, S., Samson, B.K., Ali, A. and Mazid, M.A. 1999. Rainfed lowland rice: physical environment and cultivar requirements. Field Crops Research, 64, 3-12.
White, P.F., Oberthür, T. and Pheav, S. 1997. The Soils Used for Rice Production in Cambodia, A Manual for their Recognition and Management. Manila, Philippines, International Rice Research Institute, 71 p.
White, P.F., Dobermann, A., Oberthür, T., and Ros, C. 2000. The rice soils of Cambodia. I. Soil classification for agronomists using the Cambodian Agronomic Soil Classification system. Soil Use and Management, 16, 12-19.
Workman, D.R. 1972. Geology of Laos, Cambodia, South Vietnam and the Eastern part of Thailand. A Review. London, Institute of Geological Sciences.

1 Office of Soil and Water Sciences, Cambodian Agricultural Research and Development Institute, P.O. Box 01, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
2 School of Environmental Science, Murdoch University, Murdoch, Western Australia 6150
3 Department of Agriculture of Western Australia, Baron- Hay Court, S. Perth, WA 6151

Soil characteristics and crop suitability of sandy soils in Hainan, China

Zhao, Y. G.1, G. L. Zhang, 1, Z. Wen-Jun1, and Z. T. Gong1
Keywords: HaiSOTER, sandy soil, crop suitability
Sandy soils in Hainan Island are mainly distributed on marine sediments which cover nearly 10% of the island according to a recently established Hainan Soil and Terrain Digital Database (HaiSOTER). There is also a secondary, very small area of sandy soils associated with granitic parent material. Crop production in sandy soils is mainly limited by nutrient conditions. The main nutrient attributes, such as soil organic matter, cation exchange capacity (CEC), and N content, are significantly lower for sandy soils than for most other soils. Most sandy soils are covered by natural or crop plants, such as Casuarina equisetifolia, coconut, eucalypt, peanut and cassava, in the meteorologically favourable parts of the island in the east and northeast, where rainfall is abundant. However, in the west and southwest part of the island, vegetation is sparse due to low rainfall and the very low water-holding capacity of these coarsely-textured soils. Crop suitability for particular regions of sandy soils is evaluated based on land quality classifications. For most sandy soils, nutrient availability is the most limiting factor. However, in the southwest part of this island, aridity becomes the most important limiting factor, and in the northeast, typhoon is another limiting factor. In such areas, wind-resistant trees and crops are suitable for planting. According to the Automated Land Evaluation System (ALES) land evaluation system, the sandy soils can play a more important role in tropical crop cultivation. It is concluded that when the technological and financial conditions are improved, the sandy soils in Hainan can be used for tropical crops more efficiently.
Hainan Island is located in the northern fringe of the tropics, and therefore enjoys advantageous hydrothermal conditions and rich plant resources. Agriculture is the dominant economic sector. Hainan Island is an important base for developing tropical crops in China, and therefore exports tropical fruits and winter vegetables throughout China. The sustainable and efficient use of land resources is an important issue for agricultural development of the island. Sandy soils cover a large area of the island. Much of these areas are cultivated, but often at a low production level. Using the HaiSOTER database, which was constructed from 1999 to 2003, soil quality and crop suitability were evaluated as a method of identifying limitations and potential uses of sandy soils on the island.
Mean annual temperature on Hainan Island ranges between 23ºC and 25ºC, and mean annual precipitation from 900 mm to 2,600 mm. Precipitation is unevenly distributed, with less received in winter and spring and more in summer and fall. During the summer and fall, typhoons are frequent, bringing about one-third of the year’s precipitation. As shown in Figure 1, there are regional differences in precipitation on the island. In the eastern parts, such as near Wanning and Qiongzhong, precipitation may reach 2,000 mm or more, while in the southwestern part, precipitation is less than 1,200 mm. Most soils of Hainan Island have a Hyperthermic soil temperature regime. With respect to soil moisture, soils in the broad central northern part have an aridity <1 and belong to the Udic moisture regime; those in the southwestern part have an aridity >1 and belong to the Ustic moisture regime; and those in the central mountainous region, where precipitation increases with elevation, belong to the Udic and Perudic moisture regimes (Gong et al., 2003).
Mangement of Tropical Sandy Soil for Sustainable Agriculture
Figure 1. Soil moisture regimes of the Hainan Island
The Hainan Island landform is characterized by high elevation in the centre surrounded by a low and flat circumference. With Wuzhishan (1,867 m) and Yinggeling (1,811 m) mountains at the centre, three concentric zones can be defined (Figure 2). The centre zone accounts for 25.5% of the island’s territory and consists of mountains and hills with elevations >400 m. It has steep slopes and mostly young soils seriously affected by erosion. The zone makes up 45.8% of the territory, and contains hills and plateaus with elevations ranging from 20 m to 400 m that are predominantly mature soils. The outer zone contains 28.7% of the island’s area, and has mostly flat coastal plains below 20 m in elevation. It is in this outer zone that human activities are the concentrated and is dominated by mostly anthropogenic soils.
Mangement of Tropical Sandy Soil for Sustainable Agriculture
Figure 2. A schematic map of the general pattern of the annular distribution of the soils on Hainan Island
Materials and Methods
SOTER Methodology
SOTER (Soil and Terrain Digital Database) has been widely used as a world soil and terrain digital database (FAO, 1995). Underlying the SOTER methodology is the identification of areas of land with distinctive, often repetitive, patterns of landform, lithology, surface form, slope, parent material, and soils. Tracts of land distinguished in this manner are named SOTER units. Each SOTER unit represents one unique combination of terrain and soil characteristics.
There are two types of data in a SOTER database: geometric data and attribute data. The geometric component indicates the location and topology of SOTER units, while the attribute part describes the non-spatial characteristics. The geometric data is stored and handled by GIS software, while the attribute data is stored separately in a set of files, managed by a relational database system. A unique code is set up in both the geometric and attribute databases to link these two types of information for each SOTER unit.
A SOTER database at a scale of 1:200,000 was compiled for Hainan Island (HaiSOTER). Figure 3 shows the procedure of HaiSOTER (Zhao et al., 2005). The database consists of spatial and attribute data of the soil and terrain conditions, and associated data such as climate and land use. HaiSOTER database collected 153 soil profiles accoss the island. Each SOTER unit has its representative soil profiles.
Mangement of Tropical Sandy Soil for Sustainable Agriculture
Figure 3. Flow chart of 1:200,000 HaiSOTER establishment
Crop Suitability Evaluation
An expert model for physical land evaluation developed in the Automated Land Evaluation System (ALES) was used to separate potentially suitable AEU (Agricultural Ecological Unit)’s from unsuitable ones. Soil depth, surface horizon depth, texture, structure, bulk density, cation exchange capacity (CEC), pH, total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), exchangeable Ca, Mg, K, growing period, rainfall and typhoon occurrence were considered during the modeling processes.
The evaluation model for crops distinguishes between management types with different levels (low, medium and high) of input and degree of mechanization. Such specific types of land use are called ‘land utilization types’ (LUT). To illustrate how the evaluation model works, we take the case of banana, which is a common crop in Hainan with favourable marketing prospects. Four land utilization types of banana growing were defined for this study (Mantel et al., 2003):
Low input and low technology. This LUT includes a low application of organic fertilizer and simple implements for weeding and soil tillage. No terracing or artificial drainage is practiced.
Medium input and low technology. This LUT includes modest applications of inorganic or organic fertilizer and agrochemicals. It does not include use of mechanized tools for weeding and soil tillage. No terracing is practiced. Artificial drainage is not applied.
Medium input and medium technology. This LUT includes modest applications of inorganic or organic fertilizer and agrochemicals. Mechanized tools are used for weeding and soil tillage. No terracing is practiced. Artificial drainage is applied where required.
High input and medium technology. This LUT includes applications of inorganic or organic fertilizer and agrochemicals and mechanized tools for weeding and soil tillage. No terracing is practiced. Irrigation and artificial drainage is applied where required.
Other levels of input and degree of mechanization were not defined in the assessment model for banana in this study.
Results and Discussion
Soil Chemistry Attributes
There are four major parent materials in Hainan island (GPGSB, 1965): acid igneous rock, which forms Cambosols and Ferrosols; marine sediments, which form Primosols and Cambosols; inner land clastic sediments, which form Cambosols; and basic igneous rocks, which form Ferrolosols. Soils from these four parent materials cover 83.2% of the island. 138 of 153 soil profiles in HaiSOTER database were taken from these four types of parent materials, in which, 65 soil profiles on acid igneous rock, 35 sandy soil profiles on marine sediments, 23 on clastic sediment, 15 on basic igneous. Topsoil chemical attributes of sandy soils formed from marine sediments and soils from the other three parent materials are listed in Table 1, and illustrated in Figure 4 using standardized values to better compare and contrast the soils (Zhao et al., 2005).
Exchangeable bases: Because the silt and clay contents were very low for sandy soils, they contained less exchangeable bases. In terms of average values, exchangeable K, Ca, and Mg of sandy soils were lower than in soils developed from other parent materials. Exchangeable K content of sandy soils was lower than that of soils developed from acid igneous material and clastic sediments, and exchangeable Mg was lower than in soils formed from clastic sediments. There was no significant difference in exchangeable Na content among soils developed from four parent materials.
Sandy soils had the highest pH and lowest exchangeable acidity and Al. Normally in tropical climates with high precipitation such as those of Hainan, strong desilication and allitization are the main soil forming processes, and exchangeable Al dominates soil pH. However, sandy soils contain fewer weatherable minerals, making desilication and allitization weak. Also, there are shell and coral sediments in sandy soils with high Ca content that neutralize acid quickly.
Sandy soils in Hainan also had the lowest CEC, total carbon (TC), and TN values compared to the other soil types, which makes them unfavourable for growing most types of vegetation. Because of their coarse texture, many plant-essential nutrients elements can be easily leached. The TP content for soils developed from basic igneous material is lower than that of soils developed from clastic sediments. P content in clastic sediment maybe higher because of the erosion process brings P sediments from upper reaches.
Mangement of Tropical Sandy Soil for Sustainable Agriculture
Figure 4. Topsoil attributes developed from different parent materials (standardized value)
Table 1. Differentiation of topsoil attributes developed from different parent materials (rocks)
IDParameterSoils on
Acid igneous
n = 65
Sandy Soils on
Marine sediment
n = 35
Soils on
Clastic sediment
n = 23
Soils on
Basic igneous
n = 15
pH pH (Water extractable) 5.0 bc
6.0 a
5.5 b
4.8 c
EXAC Exc. acidity cmol kg-1 1.5 ab
0.9 b
2.1 a
1.2 b
EXAl Exc. Al cmol kg-1 1.2 ab
0.7 b
1.6 a
1.0 ab
EXCa Exc. Ca cmol kg-1 1.4 a
1.2 a
1.9 a
1.7 a
EXMg Exc. Mg cmol kg-1 0.8 ab
0.6 b
1.2 a
0.7 ab
EXNa Exc. Na cmol kg-1 0.2 a
0.3 a
0.3 a
0.2 a
EXCK Exc. K cmol kg-1 0.5 a
0.2 b
0.4 a
0.3 ab
CEC CEC cmol kg-1 7.4 a
3.9 b
7.7 a
8.6 a
TC Total C g kg-1 15.2 a
7.3 b
14.6 a
19.6 a
TN Total N g kg-1 1.14 b
0.59 c
1.20 b
1.56 a
TP Total P (P2O5) g kg-1 1.36 ab
1.56 ab
1.97 a
0.86 b
Note: letters (i.e., a, b, ab) following table values is the results of multi comparison, different letters in one row mean significant difference existed for the soil attribute among 4 kinds of soils. SPSS10.0, Duncan
Land use:
Figure 5 shows the land use distribution for sandy soils in Hainan, as interpreted from the TM satellite in the year 2000. As the data indicate, agriculture is the most important economic resource for Hainan. Nearly 70% of the area of sandy soils is under cultivation. The main crops include vegetables, cassava, coconut and peanut. In the eastern part of the Island, where water supply is abundant, rice is cultivated on sandy soils.
Agricultural exploitation on sandy soils mainly occurs in the middle circle (Figure 2) and not in the newly formed, unsuitable sand areas in the outer circle, where Casuarina equisetifolia, coconut and salt-tolerant grasses are the main vegetation types.
Mangement of Tropical Sandy Soil for Sustainable Agriculture
Figure 5. Land use for sandy soil in 2000 year
Crop suitability (Example of Banana)
Mangement of Tropical Sandy Soil for Sustainable Agriculture
Figure 6. Banana suitability under different input and technologic conditions
We use the example of banana in this paper to illustrate how crop suitability was evaluated for different soil and terrain types in Hainan. Banana suitability at four different input and technological conditions was demonstrated by Mantel et al. (2003). Poor native soil productivity is reflected by low suitability values under low input and low technological conditions. Because banana has high requirements for water and nutrients, and for low wind climates, almost none of the island’s land was found to be suitable for banana production under conditions of low input and technology (Figure 6). When the input and technological conditions were improved, the area suitable for production increased gradually for the whole island. For sandy soils, however, the increase is steeper (Figure 6). More than 30% of sandy soils can be used for banana planting at high input and moderate technological conditions. The sharper increase in suitability demonstrates that some sandy soils can be improved easily, because poor nutrient availability, their most limiting production factor, can be addressed by fertilizer input.
The sandy soils suitable for banana production are mainly distributed in the west and northern part of the island. Almost none of the sandy soils in the east part can be used for banana planting because of the typhoon risk. The prevailing direction of typhoon is from the south and southeast towards the north and northeast. Nutrient deficiencies are similar for sandy soils in both the western and eastern parts of the island. Water limitation is especially critical for sandy soils of the west part, because annual precipitation is less than 1,000 mm and evaporation is very high. However, with financial support to construct irrigation systems, this constraint can be removed in some areas.
Soils suitable for banana planting are mainly distributed on the old marine sediments towards the interior of the outer concentric zone shown in Figure 2, where soil texture and nutrient conditions of these soils have been improved by longer weathering and a longer history of cultivation.
Sandy soils play an important role for Hainan’s agriculture. Nearly 70% of the area of sandy soils is under cultivation. But sandy soils in Hainan are limited by poor nutrient conditions. The main nutrient attributes such as soil organic matter, CEC, and N content are significantly lower than those in other soils. However, they have the highest pH and lowest exchangeable acidity and Al.
Some sandy soils can be improved easily, because poor nutrient availability, their most limiting production factor, can easily be addressed by fertilizer input. More than 30% of sandy soils can be used for banana production at high input and moderate technological conditions.
The construction of HaiSOTER database was cooperatively done by Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences. Methodology was supported by the International Soil Reference Information Center. Mr. VWP. van Engelen, Mr. S. Mantel and Dr. X.L. Zhang completed the main work on assessment of crop suitability.
Doran J.W., Parkin T.B. 1994. Defining and assessing soil quality. In: Doran J.W., et al. ed. Defining soil quality for a sustainable environment. Soil Science Society of American Publication No. 35. Inc., Madison, Wisconsin, USA, 3-21.
FAO. Global and national soil and terrain digital database (SOTER).world-soil-resources-report.1995.
Gong, Z.T., Zhang, G.L., Zhao, W.J., Zhao, Y.G. and Chen, Z.C. 2003. Land use-related changes in soils of Hainan Island during the past half century. Pedosphere. 13(1): 11-22.
GPGSB (Guangdong Provincial Geologic Surveying Bureau). Geologic map of Hainan Island (1:200,000). State Printery No. 543, Tianjin, 1965.
Mantel, S., Zhang, X.L. and Zhang, G.L. 2003. Identification of potential for banana in Hainan Island, China. Pedosphere. 13(2): 147-155.
Zhao Yu-Guo, Zhang Gan-Lin, Gong Zi-Tong, 2004, Systematic Assessment and Regional Features of Soil Quality in Hainan Island, Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture. 12(3): 13-15.
Zhao Yuguo, Zhang Ganlin, Gong Zitong, Deng Wangang, 2005, Soil type, soil quality and crop suitability of soils developed from different geology environment in Hainan Island, Quaternary Science, 25(3): 389-395.

1 State Key Laboratory of Soil and Sustainable Agriculture, Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences East Beijing Road 71, Nanjing 210008, China
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Monday, April 29, 2013

Fertilizing Winter Wheat.....

Quick Facts...
  • Nitrogen is the most limiting nutrient for winter wheat production.
  • Apply nitrogen fertilizers at rates based on expected crop yields minus credits for residual soil nitrates and nitrogen mineralized from organic matter, manure, and previous legume crops.
  • Apply phosphate fertilizers at rates based on soil test results. Band applications are more effective than broadcast applications.
  • Most Colorado soils contain sufficient available potassium for dryland winter wheat production.
Adequate soil fertility is one of the requirements for profitable winter wheat production. Nitrogen (N) is the most yield-limiting nutrient. Phosphorus (P) is the next most limiting nutrient, and sulfur (S) may be limiting in rare situations on some soils. Levels of potassium (K) and micronutrients generally are sufficient for wheat production in Colorado soils.

Soil Sampling

The value of a soil test in predicting nutrient availability during the growing season depends on how well the sample collected represents the area sampled. Take surface samples from the tillage layer (4 to 8 inches) or the 1-foot soil depth. Take subsoil samples to a depth of 2 feet for determination of available NO3-N. If the field has been in no-till, reduce the sampling depth to the tillage layer.
A good sample is a composite of 15 to 20 soil cores taken from an area uniform in soil type. This number of soil cores is especially important in sampling fields where P fertilizers were band applied in previous years. Sample areas with major differences in soil properties or management practices separately.
Thoroughly air dry all soil samples within 12 hours after sampling by spreading the soil on any clean surface where the soil will not be contaminated. Do not oven dry the soil because this can change the soil test results. Place the air-dried soil in a clean sample container for shipment to the soil test laboratory.
Submit a carefully completed information form with the soil sample. This form provides information so fertilizer suggestions can be tailored to your specific situation. Take soil samples for NO3-N analysis every year for optimum N fertilization of Crops. Soil analyses for availability of the other nutrients, pH, and organic matter content may be sufficient every three to four years.
Fore more detailed explanations of the importance of taking proper soil samples contact the Colorado State University Soil, Water, and Plant Testing Laboratory is located at Room A319, Natural and Environmental Sciences Building, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523; (970) 491-5061;
 Nitrogen Suggestions
Base nitrogen rates for winter wheat on the expected yields for each field. Nearly all wheat requires some N fertilizer, unless there is a substantial release of available N in the soil prior to planting.
Other credits for N include the amounts expected to become available during the season from mineralization of soil organic matter, manure and previous legume crops. Subtract these credits from the total crop needs to determine the suggested N fertilizer rate for the expected yield.

Soil Nitrate-N Credit

Residual NO3-N in soil is immediately available to plants, so decrease the fertilizer rate to give credit for the amount of NO3 in the root zone. Sample soil to a depth of 2 feet in 1-foot increments and test for NO3-N. The sum of the ppm values for the two samples is used to estimate the NO3-N content in the soil. For example, if the NO3-N contents of the 0-1 and 1-2 foot soil samples are 10 and 4 ppm, use the N rates in the 13 to 15 ppm row in the second column of Table 1. When soil is sampled to a 1-foot depth, use the first column in Table 1.
Table 1: Suggested N rates for dryland winter wheat, as related to NO3-N in the soil and soil organic matter content (expected yield, 50 bu/A).
ppm NO3-N in soil* Soil organic matter, %
0 - 1 ft 0 - 2 ft 0 - 1.0 1.1 - 2.0 >2.0
---Fertilizer rate, lb N/A----
0 - 3 0 - 5 75 75 75
4 - 6 6 - 9 75 70 50
7 - 9 10 - 12 75 45 25
10 - 12 13 - 15 50 20 0
13 - 15 15 - 18 25 0 0
> 15 > 18 0 0 0
* Concentration of NO3-N in the top foot of soil or the sum of NO3-N concentrations in 1-foot sample depths to 2 feet.
- To adjust N rate for expected yields different from 50 bu/A, add or subtract 25 lb N/A for each 10 bu/A difference (maximum N rate is 75 lb/A for dryland winter wheat).

Soil Organic Matter Credit

Nitrogen in soil organic matter becomes available to plants through the mineralization process. About 30 pounds of nitrogen per acre will be available to the crop during each growing season for each 1.0 percent organic matter in the surface soil layer. When a soil test result for organic matter is not available, assume a level of 1.5 percent organic matter for eastern Colorado soils.

  Dry-land Wheat

Suggested N rates for dryland wheat are given in Table 1 at an expected yield of 50 bushels per acre. Fertilizer N rates decrease with increasing levels of NO3-N in the top 1 or 2 feet of soil or increasing soil organic matter content. Suggested N rates in this table do not account for manure and legume N credits. Subtract these credits from the N rates in Table 1 to determine the N rate for the field.
To increase grain protein content to above average levels (i.e., >12 percent protein), increase the N rate. It takes 20 to 30 pounds of nitrogen per acre to increase grain protein by one percentage point above 12 percent protein.

Irrigated Wheat

Table 2 gives suggested N rates for irrigated wheat at an expected yield of 100 bushels per acre. Fertilizer N rates decrease with increasing levels of NO3-N in the top 2 feet of soil or increasing soil organic matter content. Suggested N rates in this table do not account for manure and legume N credits. Subtract these credits from the N rates in Table 2 to determine the N rate for the field. Late season N applications are not suggested for soft wheat because a lower protein content is desired.
Table 2: Suggested nitrogen rates for irrigated winter wheat, as related to NO3-N in the soil and soil organic matter content (expected yield, 100 bu/A).
ppm NO3-N in soil* Soil organic matter, %
0 - 1.0 1.1 - 2.0 >2.0
0 - 6 125 95 75
7 - 12 105 75 55
13 - 18 85 55 35
19 - 24 65 35 15
25 - 30 45 15 0
31 - 36 25 0 0
> 36 0 0 0
* Sum of ppm NO3-N in 1-foot sample depths to 2 feet (for sample depths of 1 foot only, multiply the ppm value by 1.67 before using the table).
-To adjust N rate for expected yields different from 100 bu/A, add or subtract 20 lb N/A for each 10 bu/A difference.
NOTE: Increase the above rates by 40 lb N/A for irrigated wheat in Alamosa, Conejos, Costilla, Rio Grande and Saguache counties.

Methods and Timing of N Applications

Nitrogen fertilizer may be applied by various methods. Most efficient use of fertilizer N can be obtained by applying some of the N prior to or at planting and the remainder in the early spring. Some growers prefer to apply anhydrous ammonia in combination with P fertilizers in a tillage operation during the fallow period for dryland wheat. Some N may be applied with or near the seed in combination with P in starter fertilizers, but the rate should be less than 20 pounds of N per acre because seedling emergence may be decreased in dry soil at higher rates. All sources of N fertilizers are equally effective for wheat per unit of N if properly applied. Base your choice of N on availability, equipment needs and cost per unit of N.
Topdressing N fertilizers in the spring is an efficient way to supply a portion of the total N needs of wheat. Producers can evaluate spring-stored moisture and plant populations to better predict yield potential in the spring than at planting, so N needs by the crop can be better determined. Granular fertilizer can be broadcast on the wheat just after greenup. Fluid N solutions also may be dribble-applied to the wheat crop, although there is some potential for leaf burn.
Apply nitrogen fertilizers through sprinkler irrigation systems for irrigated wheat. All closed-irrigation systems must be equipped with backflow prevention valves if N fertilizers are applied through the system.
There is a strong relationship between protein content of wheat and the N fertility status of a given field. Fields that produce grain with protein content less than 11 percent are likely to have N deficiencies. Those fields that produce grain with protein between 11 and 12 percent may respond to additional N fertilizer, while those that produce grain above 12 percent protein probably have adequate N for the present grain yield levels. Therefore, protein analysis of wheat will give the producer a good indication if the N fertilizer program was adequate for that season.
This information can be used to help plan N fertilizer management in future years. The above relationships do not hold well under extreme drought conditions. Field conditions also should be considered. For more information, see Fact Sheet 0.555, Grain Protein Content and N Needs.
 Phosphorus Suggestions
Crop responses to P fertilizer are most likely on soils with low or medium levels of extractable P. Suggested P fertilizer rates (Table 3) are for band (or row) application and are similar for dryland and irrigated wheat. The main soil tests for extractable P in Colorado soils are the AB-DTPA and sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3 also known as Olsen) tests. Values for both tests are given in Table 3.
Table 3: Suggested phosphorus rates for band application to dryland and irrigated winter wheat.
ppm P in soil Relative level Fertilizer rate, lb P2O5/A
0 - 3 0 - 6 low 40
4 - 7 7 - 14 medium 20
> 7 > 14 high 0
Placement of P fertilizers in the root zone is important because P is not very mobile in soil. Band application of starter fertilizers with or near the seed is the most efficient placement method for P, and suggested rates for broadcast application are about double those for band application. Incorporate broadcast applications of P fertilizers into the soil prior to planting.
Dual application of N and P together in a band improves efficiency of P uptake by Crops. Subsurface placement of P may be especially important for reduced tillage cropping systems. Monoammonium phosphate (MAP, 11-52-0), diammonium phosphate (DAP, 18-46-0), and ammonium polyphosphate (10-34-0) are equally effective per unit of P if properly applied. Base choice of fertilizer product on availability, equipment needs, and cost per unit of P.
An effective method of band application of P with hoe drills allows the P fertilizer to be banded on the soil surface directly above the seed row after row closure.

Potassium Suggestions

Most Colorado soils are relatively high in extractable K, and few crop responses to K fertilizers have been reported. Suggested K rates related to soil test values (AB-DTPA or NH4OAc) are similar for dryland and irrigated wheat (Table 4). The main K fertilizer is KCl (muriate of potash). Broadcast application incorporated into the soil prior to planting is the usual method.
Table 4: Suggested potassium rates for dryland and irrigated winter wheat.
ppm K in soil
Relative level Fertilizer rate, lb K2O/A
0 - 60 low 30
> 60 high 0

Other Nutrients

Most Colorado soils contain adequate levels of available S, and soil tests for available S are not routinely performed. Under rare situations some sandy soils may require S applications; the chances of getting a yield response to S fertilization increase when the soil pH is 7.5 or higher and the soil organic matter content is 1.5 percent or lower. Irrigation water from most surface waters and some wells often contains appreciable SO4-S, so irrigated soils usually are adequately supplied with S.
There have been no confirmed deficiencies of boron (B), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo), zinc (Zn), or chloride (Cl) in wheat in Colorado.
1J.G. Davis, Colorado State University Extension soils specialist and professor, and D.G. Westfall, professor soil and crop sciences. Original authors included J.J. Mortvedt, soils specialist and J.F. Shanahan, Extension crop specialist and professor. 3/96. Revised 5/09.
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Fertilizing wheat in Nepal 


  • Biological nitrogen fixation;
  • denitrification;
  • Mucuna;
  • Oryza sativa;
  • Triticum aestivum;
  • Vigna radiata


The rice-wheat annual double cropping system occupies some 0.5 million ha in the Himalayan foothills of Nepal. Alternating soil drying and wetting cycles characterize the 6–10 weeks long dry-to-wet season transition period (DWT) after wheat harvesting and before wetland rice transplanting. Mineral fertilizer use in the predominant smallholder agriculture is low and crops rely largely on native soil N for their nutrition. Changes in soil aeration status during DWT are likely to stimulate soil N losses. The effect of management options that avoid the nitrate build-up in soils during DWT by N immobilization in plant or microbial biomass was studied under controlled conditions in a greenhouse (2001/2002) and validated under field conditions in Nepal in 2002. In potted soil in the greenhouse, the gradual increase in soil moisture resulted in a nitrate N peak of 20 mg (kg soil)–1 that rapidly declined as soil moisture levels exceeded 40 % water-filled pore space (equiv. 75 % field capacity). Similarly, the maximum soil nitrate build-up of 40 kg N ha–1 under field conditions was followed by its near complete disappearance with soil moisture levels exceeding 46 % water-filled pore space at the onset of the monsoon rains. Incorporation of wheat straw and/or N uptake by green manure crops reduced nitrate accumulation in the soil to < 5 mg N kg–1 in pots and < 30 kg N ha–1 in the field (temporary N immobilization), thus reducing the risk for N losses to occur. This “saved” N benefited the subsequent crop of lowland rice with increases in N accumulation from 130 mg pot–1 (bare soil) to 185 mg pot–1 (green manure plus wheat straw) and corresponding grain yield increases from 1.7 Mg ha–1 to 3.6 Mg ha–1 in the field. While benefits from improved soil N management on lowland rice are obvious, possible carry-over effects on wheat and the feasibility of proposed options at the farm level require further studies.
seeds of wheat

National Wheat Research Program
National Wheat Research Program (NWRP) was established in 1972 at Khumaltar, Lalitpur under the name of National Wheat Development Program. In 1975, it was transferred to Bhairahawa Agricultural Farm, which was established in 1960. Geographically, the station is located at 105 meters above sea level and 27°32’ north latitude and 83°25’ east longitude. It is 300 km west of capital city Kathamandu and 21 km east of Lumbini the birthplace of Lord Buddha.
The climate at NWRP is subtropical. The recorded maximum temperature in summer is 44.6°C and minimum temperature in winter is 4.8°C. The average annual rain fall is 1700 mm, with maximum and minimum mean temperature of June and January is 30.8 0C and 14.7 0C respectively. NWRP station has a total of 35 hectares of land area out of which 25 hectares are utilized for wheat research and production activities and rest 10 hectares are occupied by farm roads drainage, office and residence facilities.
Wheat is the third largest cereal crop in Nepal after rice and maize. Before the introduction of Mexican semi-dwarf wheat varieties, wheat cultivation in Nepal was limited to mid and far-western hills only and it was considered as a minor cereal in the country. After the introduction of semi-dwarf varieties from Mexico, the area and production of wheat in Nepal has been increased dramatically and now it has significant contribution to the national food supply. In 1965/66, wheat area in the country was 100,000 ha and the production was 112,000 metric tons. In 2006/07, its area and production have increased to 702664 ha and 1515139 metric tons respectively. The present national average wheat productivity is 2156 kg/ha. Wheat is cultivated in 20 percent of the total cultivated land area and contributes 18.8 percent to the total national cereal production. Per capita wheat consumption has increased from 17.4 kg in 1972 at the time of NWRP establishment to 60 kg in 2007. In Terai, as irrigation facility is steadily increasing there is still ample opportunity to expand the wheat area where the lands remain fallow after rice harvesting.
Goal and objectives
NWRP’s major goal is to contribute in enhanced livelihood and the main objective is to make the nation self-sustained in food supply through increased wheat production and productivity by conducting applied research in collaboration with related national and international organizations, developing improved wheat varieties, wheat production technologies, multiplying wheat breeder seed and disseminating wheat related information.
Following are the major national mandates of NWRP: 1) Develop, implement, coordinate and monitor multilocational and multi-disciplinary adaptive research for developing superior varieties resistant/tolerant to biotic and abiotic stresses for different agro-climatic conditions 2) collect evaluate, identify, maintain and use of suitable donors for different biotic and abiotic stresses 3) develop appropriate wheat crop production technologies for optimal use of resources in a sustainable manner 4) produce nucleus and breeder seeds of popular varieties in required quantity 5) carryout off-season breeding work for rapid generation advancement at suitable hill site and 6) establish national and international linkages for strengthening wheat improvement research in the country.
The major activities include conducting wheat research on:
i) Varietal improvement
  • Development of wheat varieties suitable for different agro-ecological domains (Terai under irrigated normal planting, irrigated late planting, rainfed conditions and mid and high hill environments).
  • Development of high-yielding and disease-resistant wheat varieties suitable for existing cropping pattern
  • Development of product specific wheat varieties required by various wheat based industrties.
ii) Resource management:
  • Development of improved wheat production technologies (Irrigation and fertilizer management, time and method of crop establishment, weed management etc.) suitable for different agro-climatic conditions
  • Identification of farmers' problems through on-site inspection of farmers' fields and solving them through adaptive research
  • Scaling up of resource conservation technologies (RCTs) to farming communities through pluralistic approach.
iii) Research on crop protection
  • Detection of major diseases and insects on wheat, estimation of their damage, identification and development of insects and disease resistant wheat varieties and disease management techniques.
iv) Outreach research activities
  • On-farm verification of station developed technologies through farmers' field testing and mini-kit distribution of recently released and pre-release wheat varieties and other technologies under farmers' situations.
  • Provide farmers with technical knowledge through different media.
v) Source Seed production
  • Produce wheat nucleus and breeder seeds as per need
  • Provide breeder seed to different farms /stations, seed companies for foundation seed production and
    supervise them
  • Assist farmers in seed multiplication program through technical advice
  • Assist in wheat production in coordination with different stakeholders
vi) Wheat germplasm exchange
with different (CIMMYT, ICARDA, DWR- India, WRC-Bangladesh etc.) national and international agencies

Economic achievements
Research Achievements
NWRP has made remarkable achievements in its almost 50 years of wheat research and development.
  1. Since 1960/61, wheat area has increased six folds and reached 702664 hectares from 100000 hectares. In the same period, wheat production has increased 14 folds and reached 1515139 metric tons from 112000 metric tons. In 1972, when the wheat development program was started, wheat productivity was 933 kg/ha, which has now more than doubled to 2156 kg/ha.
  2. NWRP has released 29 improved wheat varieties in last 40 years and assisted in their dissemination through different ways.
  3. Recommended wheat varieties are very popular among farmers.
  4. More than 95% of the total wheat area has been covered by improved wheat varieties.
  5. Cropping intensity has increased due to early maturing wheat varieties.
  6. Per capita wheat consumption has been increased.
  7. Quantitative growth has been observed in wheat based industries in the country.
  8. Wheat has provided direct employment to the farmers for about five months.
  9. Wheat based products like noodle, biscuits and Cookies are exported to India and China.
Economic achievements
  1. Wheat crop has played a great role in internal food supply in the country, equivalent to more than 26 billion rupees annually.
  2. Economic analysis of the past three decades (1960-1992) wheat research showed that the nation has gained 75 to 84% internal rate of return to the total investment in wheat research.
  3. In comparison with the old varieties, new wheat varieties have contributed increased annual wheat yield by 1.5%.
  • Mr. Madan Raj Bhatta, Senior Scientist, Coordinator of the Program
  • Mr. Janmjay Prasad Tripathi, Senior Scientist

Contact Address
Nepal Agricultural Research Council
National Wheat Research Program
Bhairahawa, Rupandehi
Phone: 071-522196,520226,520431
Fax: 071-521905
How to Plant Wheat for Higher Yields
 By Erick Larson, Extension Grain Specialist

Early-planted wheat is prone to disappointment, due to many issues which you may not be able to control, including freeze injury. All it needs is to successfully emerge and begin tillering in the fall.

Planting wheat early is very tempting, but can limit wheat grain productivity more than any other factor.  In fact, our record wheat yields this year were likely promoted by dry conditions which delayed planting till early November last fall.  Records from the Kentucky Wheat Production Contest (where winners typically produce more than 100 bushels per acre) justify the significance of timely planting, as top yielding plots rarely result from plantings prior to the recommended dates.  Planting wheat early needlessly exposes it to developmental, fertility, weed and numerous pest problems which ultimately limit yield potential.  Our mild southern winters further intensify this issue, because the onset and degree of wheat dormancy may vary considerably from year to year.  Thus, the developmental advantages gained from planting summer crops early, such as corn and soybeans, do not apply to winter wheat.  The adverse effects from excessive fall growth include spring freeze injury, development of Barley yellow dwarf virus, Hessian fly and armyworm infestation, more disease infection, more weed competition, poor nutrient use, and increased lodging.   Growers in both north and south Mississippi have experienced severe freeze injury during recent seasons and ensuing yield loss generally increases drastically with early-maturing wheat.   Thus, we need to carefully manage variety maturity and planting date, as both these factors affect wheat maturity.  Early-maturing varieties should be planted later than normal, to avoid excessive development, which could expose them to substantial freeze damage in the spring.  Conversely, late-maturing wheat varieties should be planted before early varieties.  We should also plant multiple varieties differing in maturity, to spread risk, since seasonal temperatures also influence maturity.

Our suggested wheat planting dates (within 10-14 days of the average first fall freeze date) should provide warm enough temperatures and long enough days for seedling emergence and tillering to begin before dormancy occurs.  This can vary considerably depending upon seasonal temperatures, but normally corresponds to